Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NaNoWriMo Day 18 - 31,589 words

I'm ahead of "break 50K by the 30th pace," but behind my new goal of being pracrically done by the 26th...we'll see how that goes...


She down shifted, accelerated, and felt for an instant like a hot country chick, out to hunt a werewolf.  A lone wolf in the night comes to embrace the tender maiden in a dewy glade, with silken-sandpaper tongue, with velvet fur, with alabaster virgin skin, they entwine, throbbing chords of different species—one rope, knotted in loved till, like dogs, they are tied together on sensuous, wet moss amongst the ferns.  She blinks, an eon passes like so many beats of a butterfly’s wing till at last the wolf’s seed is spent; they loosen and uncoil and grope toward each other, fang to cheek, twitching ear to luminescent skin, furry haunch to silken thigh till blurring, their hearts and veins and throats and skin throb as one in the opalescent green glade.  The girl and the wolf gaze into each other’s eyes and the wolf knows her soul: he sees his doom and she licks her lip and slip the dagger between his ribs and into his breast.  The wolf is drained and his life flickers out—yet his seed is carried from the verdant eternal in her womb, in ecstasy, in horror and squalor and glee.

Oh my gosh, I am blushing! When you said action, I hadn't imagined this sort of action!

You are definitely raising the bar on the action werewolf romance genre.
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