Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Chip Music? Micromusic?

Nothing too interesting, but I thought I would pass some links along to fans of old video game music. Apparently there are some bands now that make music using hacked and modified ataris, gameboys (the original) Commodore 64s, dot matrix printers, etc. First you may ask, "Why?!? Lol, just buy a keyboard man!! wtf atari?!?" But man, nothing sounds quite as boopy as old video game music. Even crappy old keyboards can't capture the pure bleepy crappiness of 8-bit nintendo sounds. So to really capture that, just use the real thing. This scene seems to be called "chip music" as some of the sounds come from the sound chips (or the machines themselves) of old video game systems. Anyway, I am way digging it. But then, I download old video game music and listen to it anyway (megaman 2 and sonic the hedgehog 2 rule!) Listen for yourself if you dig on the beeps, and start thinking about how you can force your atari into musical servitude. Mwa ha ha, atari 2600, lay down the phat beats for me...

These are links to some bands. All the sites have songs to listen to. Way Rad.
Tree Wave. This band is way cool. Atari, c64, and a dot matrix printer, and a singing girl.

Bit Shifter

The 8-bit Construction Set


Mmm, there are more, but I think I'm done with links for now. When my moog gets back from the stupid repair shop, hopefully fully functional (oh please work, new IC chips for attack...) I'm going to try and make boopy beepy music with that. Man.

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