Thursday, February 09, 2006

I couldn't think of a good title...

I had two days off in a row. Naturally instead of doing homework and catching up on reading, I recorded music and drank pop. I also ate some pretzels and had some chips and salsa. The salsa was very spicy and good.

Forest, Boat

I took a hiatus from working on songs about food in favor of doing an instrumental thing. It's actually an old jazzy thing I made up on the piano back at 116 Leonard (for awhile I tried being a one-man jazz piano trio, but I'm not really a piano player, and I don't really know much about jazz. I'm learning jazz chords, though.) Anyway, I always liked the melodies, so I decided to redo it with synthesizers and toys. I'm kind of a mediocre musician, really. I have mastered nothing, but here I figured if I layered enough mediocre things no one would notice. I guess sort of "go for atmosphere instead of technique."

I'm pretty pleased! I like all the basslines. I think I'm getting a sort of bass style, after a year of owning a bass. The bass is a bit video gamey, I think. (I doubled up acoustic bass and synth bass a lot for that sound.) And the moog really shrieks on this one, thanks to modulation and finally getting over my fear of the pitch-bend wheel (careful...). And I figure that's about as good as those toys can sound. I also ripped off Kanye and Four Tet and put in some really high, sped of vocals. Except I'm lousy and sampling, so I just sang really high to a slowed down track and then sped up the vocals. That's kind of ghetto lame, but whatever.

Ummmm, I couldn't think of a good title, maybe someone has a suggestion. The first part sort of reminds me of a forest or maybe ghosts or something, but the second part reminds me of a boat, maybe. Or dancing. Shrieking and dancing. I don't know. Naming instrumentals is hard.

More so than a forest and then a boat, this song really reminds me of a really large space containing lots of trees, bushes, and animals followed by a large man-made structure, frequently made of wood, that bobs on the surface of the water and can make an effective means of transport across aquatic environments.
Michael, I would buy a new Modest Mouse album for $20. I would buy a new Radiohead album for $22.50. I would buy a new Sufjan Stevens album for $25.

But, I would buy a new Michael Allen album for $50.

Thank you for recording.
Very cool song Michael. we are having a blizzard. bet there is 6 in., will send pictures.
very nice, but i have no naming suggestions.
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