Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Iced Coffee, Iced Coffee, I love you the most.
>From: 2SweetTim
>To: Michael
>yo wuzzp michal? im still kickin the chicken and burnin the nOObs!
>N i like the stuff, but could u do 2 songs at once? sometimes 1 song
>aint enuff time if im jamming tha bone. I need like 2 minutes more.
>no what im saying?! itd be like a single, w/ a b side. thats how kinny
>chesny rollz.
>:P T.
Sure thing, Tim.

Iced Coffee
French Toast
I was in a country mood. So here are two country songs. Except since I have such a poor grasp of construction, little patience, no finesse, etc, they ended up barely being bad imitations of country music. Mabye there's a little twang. It's sort of like somebody told me what country music kind of is, I then I forgot part of what they said, and couldn't quite make up the rest.
Part of it is synthesizers, I guess. I get to a part and I think, "this is where the lap steel would go," or, "right here a mournful fiddle would be cool." But I don't have those, so I think, "I'll throw some synth in there, and it'll practically be the same." But it's really not the same at all. Not remotely. Synthesizers are cooler anyway.
I've been singing the Iced coffee song for years at work. (It's not always iced coffee, but it usually is.) And now there it is with music. That's something.
>From: 2SweetTim
>To: Michael
>yo wuzzp michal? im still kickin the chicken and burnin the nOObs!
>N i like the stuff, but could u do 2 songs at once? sometimes 1 song
>aint enuff time if im jamming tha bone. I need like 2 minutes more.
>no what im saying?! itd be like a single, w/ a b side. thats how kinny
>chesny rollz.
>:P T.
Sure thing, Tim.

Iced Coffee
French Toast
I was in a country mood. So here are two country songs. Except since I have such a poor grasp of construction, little patience, no finesse, etc, they ended up barely being bad imitations of country music. Mabye there's a little twang. It's sort of like somebody told me what country music kind of is, I then I forgot part of what they said, and couldn't quite make up the rest.
Part of it is synthesizers, I guess. I get to a part and I think, "this is where the lap steel would go," or, "right here a mournful fiddle would be cool." But I don't have those, so I think, "I'll throw some synth in there, and it'll practically be the same." But it's really not the same at all. Not remotely. Synthesizers are cooler anyway.
I've been singing the Iced coffee song for years at work. (It's not always iced coffee, but it usually is.) And now there it is with music. That's something.
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Hey, Michael, I liked the first few bars of your song, but alas I can't seem to download very much with my dialup connection... Sad indeed! In lieu of "Iced Coffee" perhaps you could burn me a copy of the Sweetness's 4th album since I do not have one and am a Sweetnessphille... whatever that means. I think it means I am a huge fan of your music and would like throw undergarments on stage if your band was playing on said stage. The cool thing is I don't mean my undergarments. Seriously, we need to chat. E-mail me @ lightningninja@gmail.com or ilewis1501@aol.com. Later!
i like these songs! i'd say the french toast song even has a slightly hawaiian flair to it. which is a good thing.
Just because I haven't posted until right now doesn't mean that I haven't listened to Iced Coffee one hundred times in a row already.
That song is cute-dandy.
I'm soo glad 2SweetTim has the sway over you! U rawk S-to-da-Tweezy!
That song is cute-dandy.
I'm soo glad 2SweetTim has the sway over you! U rawk S-to-da-Tweezy!
I liked the song it was really good. I just wanna hear some good ol harmonica on the iced coffe some where in the song I think that might punch it up a bit, maybe during some of the parts were your just playing the guitar. I agree with judah the french toast song has a tropical kind feel to it, I also really like the doubled vocals, I think some of them are Maggie am I right?
P.S. Dude I went to the Hank Williams III site and he had a link to the most off the wall band. They are called Jon Wayne, it is the most god aweful and delightful gibberish singing I have ever heared. It reminds me kinda of the frogs in a way. Supposedly the band was started in the eighties, if that is true then their ahead of their time.
P.S. Dude I went to the Hank Williams III site and he had a link to the most off the wall band. They are called Jon Wayne, it is the most god aweful and delightful gibberish singing I have ever heared. It reminds me kinda of the frogs in a way. Supposedly the band was started in the eighties, if that is true then their ahead of their time.
Oh Lord! My baby's got that Nashville sound! (but I still hear twirly spaceship music in the background.....so you are still Michael)
I secretly like country music, but the French Toast song makes me cry. It also makes me want french toast.
I secretly like country music, but the French Toast song makes me cry. It also makes me want french toast.
Travis: I actually tried to add some harmonica to the Iced Coffee song, but my harmonica playing was so bad that it just didn't work. I mean, it sounded really bad. And no, there's no Maggie. All the lousy background voices are mine. (and I'll have to check that band out.)
Momma: There are twirly spaceship sounds! Those are my favorite. But makes you cry? Strange...
Momma: There are twirly spaceship sounds! Those are my favorite. But makes you cry? Strange...
I really think the doubled vocal effect is cool it makes the song cool and it gives it a etheral/blues quality.
I could see harmonica playing being hard to do. I guess some observing of harmonica playing could help stenghten the playing of that insturment cause your good at the rest.
I'v been listening alot to country/blues/folk music which has made me wanna drink some moonshine and play the banjo, acoustic guitar, and harmonica( damn you R. Crumb, Langhorne Slim,and Avett Brothers).
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I could see harmonica playing being hard to do. I guess some observing of harmonica playing could help stenghten the playing of that insturment cause your good at the rest.
I'v been listening alot to country/blues/folk music which has made me wanna drink some moonshine and play the banjo, acoustic guitar, and harmonica( damn you R. Crumb, Langhorne Slim,and Avett Brothers).
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