Friday, June 16, 2006

The Sweetness: Music Nerd Blog

Per Murf's request, I'm putting up some tracks from James and me's new Sweetness CD. (Since Murf hasn't gotten his copy yet.)

The way we rolled for this Sweetness outing was old school. Pretty much, we'd hit the record button and start playing and singing, partially to keep it real, and partially because making songs that way is much faster. You pretty much cut out all that pesky time wasted thinking about composition and content. Who needs to worry about that? For some reason, I think because James forgot his acoustic guitar so we were working with one acoustic and one bass, the songs sounded a little thin--like they were quick notes jotted down for what songs could be. Once James left, I fattened up the tracks some, adding drums or flutes or guitars or synths. Whatever the song needed to feel a little more full. I tried to make it feel as natural as I could, and I think I succeeded. Me and James were both floored by the results.

I also did some mixing and mastering, making it so the songs were all about the same level, etc. Like I said, we're very pleased. James said it might be our best. BUT! To reiterate, mostly they were done on the fly, pretty much the same way we did the very first Sweetness. It just sounds better because we have a little more knowledge about recording, etc.

So what I'm putting up are two songs, in the original versions and the mastered versions. That is, one version will just be me and James, guitar and bass and vocals, and the other version will have the final touches I put on them. They're still bad songs done badly; we just got a little better at disguising that fact. But just a little.

Lady - Original Mix This was a lame toss-off rock song with a bit of weirdness at the end, and a puppy that's four sheets to the wind.

Lady We didn't think too much of this song until it got drums and electric guitar. Now it rocks.

Yo Soy de Aqui - Original Mix James had the music before, and adlibbed some bad spanish phrases. Hilarious? Or horrible?

Yo Soy de Aqui I thought what this song was missing was atmosphere, so I added a lot of tracks, flutes and shakers and cymbals and drums you can barely hear and synths. And I gave James a dash of really short echo for flavor. Also, the original had a sort of dramatic rising action, but our performance did not. So I tried to give it a swell. James flipped, because it sounds sweet.

There are nine more tracks!

i really liked the 'buzzy joe- buzzy joe-' song.
Yeah, that song was really weird.
Butt sleazy weasels!!!!.... I forgot to get the cd of sweetnes from you now my cd player is sad to not be filled with the sweetness.... hmm i'll just sit by the post box awaiting to dry lick the post man for the copy of butterie goodness.
You may have put these songs up for me, and still I have not commented on them! But I have listened to them, again...and again.

Donde esta el banno de mi corazon??
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