Wednesday, October 11, 2006

PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET!!! I call on you for aid!!!

Okay. I have this class I hate. Technical communication: Visual Rhetoric. I thought it would be neat to learn about visuals. And the first book we started reading WAS neat, all about the ambient optical array and vision theories and brains and stuff. Then we started reading this other book and it became obvious that my teacher sucked and so did the assignments.

This week, I'm supposed to make a line graph with at least five data variables or something. Which is fine, I can maybe draw a dumb-looking line graph in paint. But I have no data. The teacher seems to assume that aside from reading a couple hundred pages of text a week and working on a paper, I have time to learn some program that lets me make bar and line graphs AND collect fucking data (he says it can be "work related" whatever that means. I count fucking money and type in account numbers for a small portion of the day. The rest of the time I read. I don't have any "work related" data.)

SO......does anyone have any line graph suggestions? I mean, I've never made one before and I don't have data. I don't think the data really matters, since the prof. just wants to see me make a nice looking graph. Does anyone have any data for me to graph? Does anyone have a program that makes line graphs easily?


just write down the time you go to take a shower each morning for 5 days. or write down the time you go to bed each night for 5 days. then you can make a graph of the times in paint, or if you have excel use that. i can do it for you. i really, really like making plots. it's kind of the constant focus of my life. plots of data.
Andrew has been making line plots of all the Spam emails I've been getting for the last two weeks! He can do it! Send him data, and he will give you the best line plots of data you've ever seen!
I think you should measure the size of people's skulls and distances between various skull features - eye socket to eye socket, eye socket to left nostril, eyes socket to ear, eye socket to antennae, etc.

That way you can invasively measure everyone you encounter in your day to day life, with little foreground explanation.
On a more serious note -

why don't you listen to songs and time the proportions of different instruments - how much cumulative time each instrument (including Vox) plays during a song. You can turn it into a genre study.
I say make a line graph of how fucking lame it is each time you have gone to that class... that should show him.
Lisa wins. Now, what units is Lame measured in?
you need a reference point, since lameness is probably relative. say, for example, lameness relative to my "bedtime" idea.

so, maybe day 1 of class was twice as lame as my idea, while day 2 was half as lame, while day three was three times as lame. there, you have {2 .5 3}. your x-axis will read "date" while your y-axis will read "how fucking lame this class is (relative to andrew's bedtime idea)".
Yes, that could work. Another approach, however, would be to try to identify what the singular unit of Lame happens to be, and then just quantify that value as it relates to other activities. Like, isn't a liter of a substance that fits inside a .001 cubic meter space.

What is one standard measure of Lame? I think that the haircut your mom would want you to get for your grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party would be pretty close to a unit of Lameness.

I think we need to get the international community invovled here.
Okay. There was this box of candy at work, and this one sucker looked like a grape sucker, but it was actually a root beer sucker. I opened it and popped it into my mouth, ready for the flavor of purple. Instead, it was like crappy generic root beer taste. In other words, it was lame. Not SUPER lame, but a small moment of lameness. I propose that one unit of lameness is equal to a crappy root beer sucker that tricks you into thinking maybe it's grape.
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