Thursday, January 11, 2007

Also, I am a Giant Nose.

I'm still here! My computer is fixed, but now my soundcard is busted, so I can't record anything. One thing after another, I tell ya! Blogger still won't let me switch over to New Blogger, so I still can't post on Totally Vague Reviews or Totally Crappy Comics. I even have comics to put up there. Gosh, by the time I get switched over, my "It's 2007!" comic will be out of date!

Right now I'm sick with terrible allergies or a sinus infection or something. I place the blame squarely where it belongs: Texas. Damn you, Texas, and your horrific Cedar allergy seasons. I feel real bad, like I'm a giant walking stopped-up nose.
Of course, I'm not really a giant stopped-up nose. People would be running away from me. I'm really just a guy who sounds real stuffy, coughs every now and then, and has blood-shot eyes.

Poor little stopped up giant nose, your Moma is sad. How is the hot toddy and benadryl overdose working for you? Let me know what they say at the doctor. Is IS all the fault of Texas! Cedar fever and Worm season are the worse thing since crazy gun welding Texas drivers in Suburbans!
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