Saturday, January 13, 2007
Bad Luck Super Extreme Explosion!
Dear Diary:
Yesterday I took off from work because I was sick. I went to the doctor in the morning. Then I went to Target and filled my prescription. Then I left Target to drive the 5 minutes back to my apartment. Then I was in an accident that pretty much destroyed my beloved car and landed it in an impound yard. Today we bought a new car. That is all for now.
p.s. I'm still sick. Soon I will post pictures of the new car.
p.p.s. I am okay. The only thing injured is the middle finger on my left hand. It is sore, but not broken. My neck is a little sore. Pretty good for being hit so hard your car spins 180 degrees around in the road! Other casualty: my glasses. I would say they got broke by the airbag, but they're gone. I mean, they disappeared completely. They were not in my car. I think they flew out the passenger side window when it exploded. Probably the fire department swept them up. I have new glasses now.
Yesterday I took off from work because I was sick. I went to the doctor in the morning. Then I went to Target and filled my prescription. Then I left Target to drive the 5 minutes back to my apartment. Then I was in an accident that pretty much destroyed my beloved car and landed it in an impound yard. Today we bought a new car. That is all for now.
p.s. I'm still sick. Soon I will post pictures of the new car.
p.p.s. I am okay. The only thing injured is the middle finger on my left hand. It is sore, but not broken. My neck is a little sore. Pretty good for being hit so hard your car spins 180 degrees around in the road! Other casualty: my glasses. I would say they got broke by the airbag, but they're gone. I mean, they disappeared completely. They were not in my car. I think they flew out the passenger side window when it exploded. Probably the fire department swept them up. I have new glasses now.
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You can't just leave us hanging like that! Is everyone all right? All limbs and fingers accounted for??? Jeepers!
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