Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bad Luck Super Extreme Explosion!

Dear Diary:

Yesterday I took off from work because I was sick. I went to the doctor in the morning. Then I went to Target and filled my prescription. Then I left Target to drive the 5 minutes back to my apartment. Then I was in an accident that pretty much destroyed my beloved car and landed it in an impound yard. Today we bought a new car. That is all for now.

p.s. I'm still sick. Soon I will post pictures of the new car.

p.p.s. I am okay. The only thing injured is the middle finger on my left hand. It is sore, but not broken. My neck is a little sore. Pretty good for being hit so hard your car spins 180 degrees around in the road! Other casualty: my glasses. I would say they got broke by the airbag, but they're gone. I mean, they disappeared completely. They were not in my car. I think they flew out the passenger side window when it exploded. Probably the fire department swept them up. I have new glasses now.

You can't just leave us hanging like that! Is everyone all right? All limbs and fingers accounted for??? Jeepers!
Glad you are alright Mike. Sure sounded scary. Jeez Louise! Hope you get to relax for a bit.
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