Monday, January 15, 2007

Honda Fit Review.

My old car got smashed to bejesus so I got a new car. Now I have a car payment. I guess that was inevitable. We'll try to pay it off as fast as possible. Sadly, this cuts not only the beer budget, but the fast food budget and the musical equipment budget. Luckily I have amassed about as many instruments as I could possibly need, but my sound card is broken, so I can't record on my computer. I guess it's broken, anyway. My computer doesn't seem to recognize its existence...

Since my car was beloved and supposed to last for eternity, until the great car rapture when the car-trumpet in the sky is finally sounded and all the cars rise up from the earth and leave us for heaven, I had to find a car as close to mine as possible. Unfortunately, it turns out Honda hasn't made civic hatchbacks since 2000. And to go from a hatchback to a sedan! Never! You can't put two bicycles in the back of a sedan and feel good about it. Or a drumset and a bass guitar. So I got a brand-new Honda Fit:

It's little! Smaller than my old car, but somehow larger on the inside. Like Snoopy's doghouse or the Genie's lamp. Also, unlike my car, this one is red.

This is the dash. It looks more futuristic than my old car. It should, of course. It's eight years newer. Although, I think we can all agree that in 1999 we thought the year 2007 would be the real future. You know what I mean. There doesn't seem to be a "hover" or "fly" button anywhere.

The backseats flip up, so you could allow a small pony or a great dane to stand sideways behind you. Also, the backseats actually recline a little bit, so passengers in the back can get some shut-eye while you drive. Ungrateful bums. It's not like they offered to drive for awhile.

The backseats lay down flush with the cargo space, unlike my old car which had a bit of a hump. You could cram a lot of children back there! Depending on age and weight, I'd guess eight or nine children could be crammed in there.

The Honda Fit is the car of choice for transients. The front seats are designed to recline back flush with the backseat (which in turn recline a bit) creating a cushioned area long enought for someone my height to lay down in. If you plan on sleeping in one hatchback this year, I recommend the Fit.

How does it drive? A lot like my old Civic, really. It's a little "zippier." And since the front end is so short, it feels like it could turn very sharply, like a go-cart.

The end.

Nice! I'm glad you are in once piece, and the new Fit looks fantastic! Great pictures and review! I like that there are doors in the back and that there will be enough space to haul me around when I reach my target weight of 630 lbs. this summer. Bravo!
Yay! I really like it. I am really glad that you are ok, and also that you bought a Honda. You know it takes a special kind of dedicated family for every member to drive a Honda. Good job picking it out. The red looks good on you! Congrats gangsta!
Very cute car for a giant nose. How is your giant nose anyway? I guess the lick from the accident opened up your sinuses maybe? I hear there is ice in Austin tonight. I hope you on the lookout for those Texas drivers in your zippy new red Honda. I LOVE it!
wow, fancy. fancy!
i think this is the car you can live in cause there was a commercial going around with this guy trying to live in his car for a couple of weeks. i can't remember let me know if you can make coffe in that little luxury machine.
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