Monday, November 17, 2008

NaNoWriMo Day 17 - 30,297 words

I broke 30,000!  I'm going to finish this thing even if the last five thousand words is a sing-a-long orgy inside a giant robot fighting a demon with six dongs!

“—One last question,” Lyle said.  “Does it hurt?  When people change into werewolves, I mean.  In the movies they’re always screaming and carrying on.”

            Rupert ran his hand along his bearded jaw, a habit, Callista noted.  “Actually, it’s quite the opposite.  It feels good…I might even say arousing.  Every part of you expands and your nerves are heightened.”

            “Well damn,” Lyle said.  “You’re sort of sayin’ your whole body is a hard-on.”

            Rupert replied, “That might not be far from reality.  But then your reasoning falls away and your mind goes dim and you wake up somewhere strange with your clothes all ripped.

            Lyle nodded gravely.  “I’ve had nights like that.”  He rose and gave Rupert a vigorous pat on the shoulder.  “You ain’t a werewolf buddy.  You’re a drunk.”

Oh, this is terrific. I can't wait to read the whole thing.

Congratulations on 30,000!!! You are on a super-roll! I will update soon.
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